'Vepsäläinen drive' Paintings Installation Videoart

Vepsäläinen drive Exhibition in Hirvitalo Pispalan Nykytaiteen Keskus

Hirvikatu, 10 Tampere Tue-Sun 14-19

The exhibition will run untill April 21st

Video art "The Burial of the Cuckoo"



I really want to grasp onto that elusive feeling that is left in me by what I see, hear, and feel.

Everything has its own color for me. For numbers, letters, touches, and music... even the sense of proportion.

There are ones that are common (the sound of a vacuum cleaner - it is a thick yellowish-gray), while others are just a small purple spot (the dog bumped me with its nose), some occupie all my attention and fill me with colours and sensations (entering a Gothic cathedral).

I just need to memorise it and then embody it into physical reality. Not always is it an easy task to convey the state of the soul in material, but that's the way I work. But at least I don't wait for inspiration, I just sit down and draw, and often have more ideas than time.

But never am I in a hurry.


Photo by Olga Kravchenko
