People among the houses
"TSECH" gallery, Pskov, Russia
November 1 - December 1, 2019
When I first time thought up an idea to portray homeless people's faces, it seemed to be difficult to do it technically: how will I ask them to sit for a portrait? Before too long I found the charity foundation, that has "The Charity Bus" - for food, drugs and clothes delivery for homeless people. And in this contest, it seemed to be appropriate to take photos. I remember these people's faces very well and then in my atelier I draw them by heart. Initially, I thought up an idea to draw them with the purpose to show how their hard life' had left an impact on their faces, but afterward, I've changed the concept - when I'd learned them better and listened to their life stories, I've got more interested in human and spiritual aspects of their personalities than in their appearance.
I've been doing the silent and invisible work for some years as a volunteer in this orthodoxy charity foundation taking photos of homeless people, then they are used for reports and for foundation's site.
The results of this work are the oil painted portraits and photos