"Hirvitalo Retrospective"
Hirvitalo, Hirvikatu 10, Tampere, Finland
September 2 - October 3, 2022

“As I descended into impassible rivers
I no longer felt guided by the ferrymen…”
Arthur Rimbaud
…because we had overconsumed. We thought that by purchasing we would have become happier.
We though that our standard of living would have become higher and that everything would have
become more attractive.
And I realized that the impassible rivers are not attractive.
The artists of this exhibition have made these works because this is what matters. The matter is
about ocean pollution, about the attitude of consumer towards nature, the mining, overproduction
and consumption.
Artists foresee things that will be globally important only in afterwards, perhaps because of the
subtle setting of creative people. The works at the exhibition has been created in 2009-2016